With Hoisted headings

Supported Syntax

Markbase supports the official Markdown syntax, alongside GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) and some extended syntax.


You can use admonitions to highlight text. Admonitions are blocks of text that are rendered with a special style. They are useful to highlight important information or warnings.

!!! note Heading
This is a note

!!! warning Heading
This is a warning


This is a note


This is a warning

The following admonition types are supported:

  • abstract
  • attention
  • bug
  • caution
  • danger
  • error
  • example
  • failure
  • hint
  • info
  • important
  • note
  • question
  • quote
  • success
  • tip
  • warning


Alerts are essentially the same as admonitions, but with a different syntax.

> [!NOTE]
> Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.

> [!TIP]
> Optional information to help a user be more successful.

> Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.

> Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.

> Negative potential consequences of an action.


Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.


Optional information to help a user be more successful.


Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.


Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.


Negative potential consequences of an action.

Obsidian-style hyperlinks are supported. Put the file name without extension into double square brackets to link them. If they have a different name than their file name, its display text will be replaced.

[[Note Filename]]